Financial Update- November 2019

General Market News - Brexit With Halloween just gone it is perhaps fitting that we should continue to feel some sort of unease this week. However, many individuals were hoping that, after 31st October, matters would somewhat settle down and our new non-EU citizenship lives would begin. Unfortunately for those people, Boris Johnson´s plan to leave the EU “do or die” has not come to fruition at this point, with the EU granting Britain a further 3 months flexi-extension for Brexit. This has led us to a general election, which the government sees as the only way to end the continuous circle of disagreement. Announced yesterday in the Commons, the vote is due to take place on December 12th. There are a number of different outcomes that could arise from this vote, with many experts split in their opinions. Perhaps the three most likely outcomes could be summarised as follows; Boris and the Tories get a majority. This would be the ideal scenario for the government and would essentially all...