Brexit- The Facts

There is a lot of speculation and fear mongering about Brexit. What do we know? Nothing. That is the simple fact, nobody can tell us what is going to happen. So with so many seminars and meetings organised with various companies and figureheads to try and clarify the position the fact of the matter is nobody knows. So why not focus on what we do know, the facts and nothing else. There are undoubtedly many questions and we will all have our own that pertain to us individually or as a family and we will all have an eye on the overall effect. The Facts For most expatriates living in Spain, working or not one fact is that if you spend more than 183 days a year in Spain you should be Fiscally resident in Spain. It is not a choice it is obligatory. If your children go to school in Spain, private or public your centre of influence is likely to be Spain and as a result you are obliged to become Fiscally Resident for tax purposes in Spain. In 2018, legislation has been introduc...