Financial Update- Newsletter August 2019

General News Once again, there has been no shortage of talking points over the last 3 months where politics and markets are concerned. The UK has a new Prime Minister, with Boris Johnson (or “BoJo”) taking Theresa May´s place at the head of the Conservative party. Boris went head-to-head with other frontrunner Jeremy Hunt, although in truth, this never seemed to be a fair fight, and Mr Johnson inevitably took the vast majority of votes – causing no great surprise. What this change in Prime Minister means for the UK is anyone´s guess. Almost immediately after Boris was confirmed as the new PM, there was speculation that he might suspend parliament in the weeks leading up to the October BREXIT deadline. This would have meant Parliament being unable to “block” a hard Brexit and leaving without some sort of deal. This, however, was swiftly seen to by Parliament who blocked the potential suspension in advance. Boris remains fairly bullish when speaking about Brexit and the need...