Quarterly Update 2019-01-31

General News Well, where do we begin? It has certainly been an interesting quarter, with endless developments on Brexit (“the gift that keeps on giving”), the ongoing tariff disagreements between the US and China, and the increasing problems Italy and their economy are experiencing. Brexit, without doubt, is the most known and spoken about topic, as we simply cannot get away from the news – even if we wanted to. This is also the most relevant subject to the majority of us living here in Spain, as, depending on the outcome, it could have a direct impact on us, especially if there is a no-deal scenario. This, as we know, is not a certainty and there are many people who still believe that the UK will not leave the EU if there is a strong campaign for a second referendum. Over the past 3 months we have seen Theresa May suffer a humiliating defeat in the House of Commons, which led Mr Corbyn to table a vote of no confidence. The PM survived the vote of no confidence the foll...